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Through Member collaboration, MCRA helps drive performance improvements, deliver exceptional service, transform care, and champion the health and wellbeing of the communities we collectively serve.

GoodLife Media™ Part 4 | Engagement Secrets: Nudge Theory Meets Edutainment

This white paper series comprises five segments. McLennan Masson created them to demonstrate the comprehensive capabilities of GoodLife Media™ through a pilot in the health industry with one of the U.S. top 5 payors. The pilot's focus was to validate the hypothesis that their level of personalization helps drive significant savings. If proved true, this would allow the payor to gain an acquisition and retention strategy for their Medicare Advantage plans.

Part Four | Published July 18, 2022 Engagement Secrets: Nudge Theory Meets Edutainment

TLDR: Left unchecked, subconscious bias will undermine patients' choices. McClennan Masson used behavioral economics, and edutainment, to improve their decision-making.

After experimenting with a couple of behavioral economics frameworks, we adopted the BASIC toolkit developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an international organization that works to build better policies for better lives.

The BASIC toolkit consists of lessons derived from the behavioral and social sciences—including psychology, cognitive sciences, and group behavior—to provide adopters with a step-by-step process for analyzing a problem, building strategies, and developing behaviorally informed interventions.

More specifically, the BASIC Toolkit includes the well-popularized ABCD wheel comprised of the following concepts:

  1. Attention: People have limited attention and recall but tend to respond to environmental cues.

  2. Belief formation: People tend to underestimate the speed and be overconfident when performing tasks

  3. Choice: People tend to align with the behavior of others and what others think is appropriate.

  4. Determination: people have difficulty staying motivated if left to their own devices without any plans and feedback.

Behavioral economics interventions typically include health promotion messages called “nudges.” They are grounded in the idea that, while individuals often behave irrationally, irrational behavior is predictable and therefore presents an opportunity for intervention. Combining the power of analytics to personalize content and target the most prominent and costliest care gaps using behavioral economics enables us to increase our impact on member behavior in the areas that matter most to their health and well-being.


GoodLife Media™ is a precision communication solution made possible through users’ behavior, motivation & lifestyle data. We created a white paper, divided into 5 segments, to demonstrate the comprehensive capabilities of GoodLife Media™ through a pilot in the health industry with one of the U.S. top 5 payors. We will be releasing one part every two weeks with part one covering how we get to know patients motivation and lifestyle.

Next: How We Proved Savings of $1,598 Per Member Per Year.

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